Experiments to validate a concept learning model.
Module Contents
- class ontolearn.experiments.Experiments(max_test_time_per_concept=3)[source]
- random_state_k_fold = 1
- max_test_time_per_concept = 3
- static store_report(model, learning_problems: List[Iterable], test_report: List[dict]) Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]] [source]
Create a report for concepts generated for a particular learning problem. :param model: Concept learner. :param learning_problems: A list of learning problems (lps) where lp corresponds to target concept, positive and
negative examples, respectively.
- Parameters:
test_report – A list of predictions (preds) where test_report => { ‘Prediction’: str, ‘F-measure’: float, ‘Accuracy’, ‘Runtime’:float}.
- Returns:
Both report as string and report as dictionary.
- start_KFold(k=None, dataset: List[Tuple[str, Set, Set]] = None, models: Iterable = None)[source]
Perform KFold cross validation.
- Parameters:
models – concept learners.
k – k value of k-fold.
dataset – A list of tuples where a tuple (i,j,k) where i denotes the target concept j denotes the set of positive examples and k denotes the set of negative examples.
This method returns nothing. It just prints the report results.