Neuro-Symbolic Class Expression Learning (https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2023/0403.pdf) |
Tree-based Description Logic Concept Learner |
Class Expression Learning for Ontology Engineering. |
A limited version of CELOE. |
Package Contents
- class ontolearn.learners.Drill(knowledge_base, path_embeddings: str = None, refinement_operator: LengthBasedRefinement = None, use_inverse: bool = True, use_data_properties: bool = True, use_card_restrictions: bool = True, use_nominals: bool = True, min_cardinality_restriction: int = 2, max_cardinality_restriction: int = 5, positive_type_bias: int = 1, quality_func: Callable = None, reward_func: object = None, batch_size=None, num_workers: int = 1, iter_bound=None, max_num_of_concepts_tested=None, verbose: int = 0, terminate_on_goal=None, max_len_replay_memory=256, epsilon_decay: float = 0.01, epsilon_min: float = 0.0, num_epochs_per_replay: int = 2, num_episodes_per_replay: int = 2, learning_rate: float = 0.001, max_runtime=None, num_of_sequential_actions=3, stop_at_goal=True, num_episode: int = 10)[source]
Neuro-Symbolic Class Expression Learning (https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2023/0403.pdf)
- name = 'DRILL'
- verbose = 0
- learning_problem = None
- num_workers = 1
- learning_rate = 0.001
- num_episode = 10
- num_of_sequential_actions = 3
- num_epochs_per_replay = 2
- max_len_replay_memory = 256
- epsilon_decay = 0.01
- epsilon_min = 0.0
- batch_size = None
- num_episodes_per_replay = 2
- seen_examples
- pos: FrozenSet[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual] = None
- neg: FrozenSet[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual] = None
- positive_type_bias = 1
- start_time = None
- goal_found = False
- search_tree
- stop_at_goal = True
- epsilon = 1
- quality_func
- initialize_training_class_expression_learning_problem(pos: FrozenSet[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual], neg: FrozenSet[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual]) RL_State [source]
- rl_learning_loop(pos_uri: FrozenSet[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual], neg_uri: FrozenSet[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual]) List[float] [source]
Reinforcement Learning Training Loop
Initialize RL environment for a given learning problem (E^+ pos_iri and E^- neg_iri )
- Training:
2.1 Obtain a trajectory: A sequence of RL states/DL concepts T, Person, (Female and
- orall hasSibling Female).
Rewards at each transition are also computed
- train(dataset: Iterable[Tuple[str, Set, Set]] | None = None, num_of_target_concepts: int = 1, num_learning_problems: int = 1)[source]
Training RL agent (1) Generate Learning Problems (2) For each learning problem, perform the RL loop
- fit(learning_problem: PosNegLPStandard, max_runtime=None)[source]
Run the concept learning algorithm according to its configuration.
Once finished, the results can be queried with the best_hypotheses function.
- init_embeddings_of_examples(pos_uri: FrozenSet[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual], neg_uri: FrozenSet[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual])[source]
- create_rl_state(c: owlapy.class_expression.OWLClassExpression, parent_node: RL_State | None = None, is_root: bool = False) RL_State [source]
Create an RL_State instance.
- compute_quality_of_class_expression(state: RL_State) None [source]
Compute Quality of owl class expression. # (1) Perform concept retrieval # (2) Compute the quality w.r.t. (1), positive and negative examples # (3) Increment the number of tested concepts attribute.
- sequence_of_actions(root_rl_state: RL_State) Tuple[List[Tuple[RL_State, RL_State]], List[SupportsFloat]] [source]
Performing sequence of actions in an RL env whose root state is ⊤
- form_experiences(state_pairs: List, rewards: List) None [source]
Form experiences from a sequence of concepts and corresponding rewards.
state_pairs - A list of tuples containing two consecutive states. reward - A list of reward.
Gamma is 1.
Return X - A list of embeddings of current concept, next concept, positive examples, negative examples. y - Argmax Q value.
- update_search(concepts, predicted_Q_values=None)[source]
@param concepts: @param predicted_Q_values: @return:
- assign_embeddings(rl_state: RL_State) None [source]
Assign embeddings to a rl state. A rl state is represented with vector representation of all individuals belonging to a respective OWLClassExpression.
- exploration_exploitation_tradeoff(current_state: AbstractNode, next_states: List[AbstractNode]) AbstractNode [source]
Exploration vs Exploitation tradeoff at finding next state. (1) Exploration. (2) Exploitation.
- exploitation(current_state: AbstractNode, next_states: List[AbstractNode]) RL_State [source]
Find next node that is assigned with highest predicted Q value.
Predict Q values : predictions.shape => torch.Size([n, 1]) where n = len(next_states).
Find the index of max value in predictions.
Use the index to obtain next state.
Return next state.
- predict_values(current_state: RL_State, next_states: List[RL_State]) torch.Tensor [source]
Predict promise of next states given current state.
- Returns:
Predicted Q values.
- generate_learning_problems(num_of_target_concepts, num_learning_problems) List[Tuple[str, Set, Set]] [source]
Generate learning problems if none is provided.
Time complexity: O(n^2) n = named concepts
- learn_from_illustration(sequence_of_goal_path: List[RL_State])[source]
- Parameters:
sequence_of_goal_path – ⊤,Parent,Parent ⊓ Daughter.
- best_hypotheses(n=1, return_node: bool = False) owlapy.class_expression.OWLClassExpression | List[owlapy.class_expression.OWLClassExpression] [source]
Get the current best found hypotheses according to the quality.
- Parameters:
n – Maximum number of results.
- Returns:
Iterable with hypotheses in form of search tree nodes.
- next_node_to_expand() RL_State [source]
Return a node that maximizes the heuristic function at time t.
- downward_refinement(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Execute one refinement step of a refinement based learning algorithm.
- Parameters:
node (_N) – the search tree node on which to refine.
- Returns:
Refinement results as new search tree nodes (they still need to be added to the tree).
- Return type:
- show_search_tree(heading_step: str, top_n: int = 10) None [source]
A debugging function to print out the current search tree and the current n best found hypotheses to standard output.
- Parameters:
heading_step – A message to display at the beginning of the output.
top_n – The number of current best hypotheses to print out.
- class ontolearn.learners.TDL(knowledge_base, use_inverse: bool = False, use_data_properties: bool = False, use_nominals: bool = False, use_card_restrictions: bool = False, kwargs_classifier: dict = None, max_runtime: int = 1, grid_search_over: dict = None, grid_search_apply: bool = False, report_classification: bool = True, plot_tree: bool = False, plot_embeddings: bool = False, plot_feature_importance: bool = False, verbose: int = 10)[source]
Tree-based Description Logic Concept Learner
- use_nominals = False
- use_card_restrictions = False
- grid_search_over = None
- knowledge_base
- report_classification = True
- plot_tree = False
- plot_embeddings = False
- plot_feature_importance = False
- clf = None
- kwargs_classifier
- max_runtime = 1
- features = None
- disjunction_of_conjunctive_concepts = None
- conjunctive_concepts = None
- owl_class_expressions
- cbd_mapping: Dict[str, Set[Tuple[str, str]]]
- types_of_individuals
- verbose = 10
- data_property_cast
- X = None
- y = None
- extract_expressions_from_owl_individuals(individuals: List[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual]) Tuple[Dict[str, owlapy.class_expression.OWLClassExpression], Dict[str, str]] [source]
- construct_sparse_binary_representations(features: List[owlapy.class_expression.OWLClassExpression], examples: List[owlapy.owl_individual.OWLNamedIndividual], examples_to_features) numpy.array [source]
- create_training_data(learning_problem: PosNegLPStandard) Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame] [source]
- construct_owl_expression_from_tree(X: pandas.DataFrame, y: pandas.DataFrame) List[owlapy.class_expression.OWLObjectIntersectionOf] [source]
Construct an OWL class expression from a decision tree
- fit(learning_problem: PosNegLPStandard = None, max_runtime: int = None)[source]
Fit the learner to the given learning problem
Extract multi-hop information about E^+ and E^-.
Create OWL Class Expressions from (1)
Build a binary sparse training data X where first |E+| rows denote the binary representations of positives Remaining rows denote the binary representations of E⁻
(4) Create binary labels. (4) Construct a set of DL concept for each e in E^+ (5) Union (4)
- Parameters:
learning_problem – The learning problem
:param max_runtime:total runtime of the learning
- property classification_report: str
- class ontolearn.learners.CELOE(knowledge_base: KnowledgeBase = None, reasoner: owlapy.abstracts.AbstractOWLReasoner | None = None, refinement_operator: BaseRefinement[OENode] | None = None, quality_func: AbstractScorer | None = None, heuristic_func: AbstractHeuristic | None = None, terminate_on_goal: bool | None = None, iter_bound: int | None = None, max_num_of_concepts_tested: int | None = None, max_runtime: int | None = None, max_results: int = 10, best_only: bool = False, calculate_min_max: bool = True)[source]
Class Expression Learning for Ontology Engineering. .. attribute:: best_descriptions
Best hypotheses ordered.
- type:
EvaluatedDescriptionSet[OENode, QualityOrderedNode]
- best_only
If False pick only nodes with quality < 1.0, else pick without quality restrictions.
- Type:
- calculate_min_max
Calculate minimum and maximum horizontal expansion? Statistical purpose only.
- Type:
- heuristic_func
Function to guide the search heuristic.
- Type:
- iter_bound
Limit to stop the algorithm after n refinement steps are done.
- Type:
- kb
The knowledge base that the concept learner is using.
- Type:
- max_child_length
Limit the length of concepts generated by the refinement operator.
- Type:
- max_he
Maximal value of horizontal expansion.
- Type:
- max_num_of_concepts_tested
- Type:
- max_runtime
Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds.
- Type:
- min_he
Minimal value of horizontal expansion.
- Type:
- name
Name of the model = ‘celoe_python’.
- Type:
- _number_of_tested_concepts
Yes, you got it. This stores the number of tested concepts.
- Type:
- operator
Operator used to generate refinements.
- Type:
- quality_func
- Type:
- reasoner
The reasoner that this model is using.
- Type:
- search_tree
Dict to store the TreeNode for a class expression.
- start_class
The starting class expression for the refinement operation.
- Type:
- start_time
The time when
starts the execution. Used to calculate the total timefit()
takes to execute.- Type:
- terminate_on_goal
Whether to stop the algorithm if a perfect solution is found.
- Type:
- __slots__ = ('best_descriptions', 'max_he', 'min_he', 'best_only', 'calculate_min_max', 'heuristic_queue',...
- name = 'celoe_python'
- heuristic_queue
- best_descriptions
- best_only = False
- calculate_min_max = True
- max_he = 0
- min_he = 1
- next_node_to_expand(step: int) OENode [source]
Return from the search tree the most promising search tree node to use for the next refinement step.
- Returns:
Next search tree node to refine.
- Return type:
- best_hypotheses(n: int = 1, return_node: bool = False) owlapy.class_expression.OWLClassExpression | Iterable[owlapy.class_expression.OWLClassExpression] | OENode | Iterable[OENode] [source]
Get the current best found hypotheses according to the quality.
- Parameters:
n – Maximum number of results.
- Returns:
Iterable with hypotheses in form of search tree nodes.
- make_node(c: owlapy.class_expression.OWLClassExpression, parent_node: OENode | None = None, is_root: bool = False) OENode [source]
- updating_node(node: OENode)[source]
Removes the node from the heuristic sorted set and inserts it again.
- Parameters:
update. (Node to)
- Yields:
The node itself.
- downward_refinement(node: OENode) Iterable[OENode] [source]
Execute one refinement step of a refinement based learning algorithm.
- Parameters:
node (_N) – the search tree node on which to refine.
- Returns:
Refinement results as new search tree nodes (they still need to be added to the tree).
- Return type:
- encoded_learning_problem() EncodedPosNegLPStandardKind | None [source]
Fetch the most recently used learning problem from the fit method.
- class ontolearn.learners.OCEL(knowledge_base: KnowledgeBase, reasoner: owlapy.abstracts.AbstractOWLReasoner | None = None, refinement_operator: BaseRefinement[OENode] | None = None, quality_func: AbstractScorer | None = None, heuristic_func: AbstractHeuristic | None = None, terminate_on_goal: bool | None = None, iter_bound: int | None = None, max_num_of_concepts_tested: int | None = None, max_runtime: int | None = None, max_results: int = 10, best_only: bool = False, calculate_min_max: bool = True)[source]
A limited version of CELOE.
- best_descriptions
Best hypotheses ordered.
- Type:
EvaluatedDescriptionSet[OENode, QualityOrderedNode]
- best_only
If False pick only nodes with quality < 1.0, else pick without quality restrictions.
- Type:
- calculate_min_max
Calculate minimum and maximum horizontal expansion? Statistical purpose only.
- Type:
- heuristic_func
Function to guide the search heuristic.
- Type:
- iter_bound
Limit to stop the algorithm after n refinement steps are done.
- Type:
- kb
The knowledge base that the concept learner is using.
- Type:
- max_child_length
Limit the length of concepts generated by the refinement operator.
- Type:
- max_he
Maximal value of horizontal expansion.
- Type:
- max_num_of_concepts_tested
- Type:
- max_runtime
Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds.
- Type:
- min_he
Minimal value of horizontal expansion.
- Type:
- name
Name of the model = ‘ocel_python’.
- Type:
- _number_of_tested_concepts
Yes, you got it. This stores the number of tested concepts.
- Type:
- operator
Operator used to generate refinements.
- Type:
- quality_func
- Type:
- reasoner
The reasoner that this model is using.
- Type:
- search_tree
Dict to store the TreeNode for a class expression.
- start_class
The starting class expression for the refinement operation.
- Type:
- start_time
The time when
starts the execution. Used to calculate the total timefit()
takes to execute.- Type:
- terminate_on_goal
Whether to stop the algorithm if a perfect solution is found.
- Type:
- __slots__ = ()
- name = 'ocel_python'